
There is no greater tragedy in business today than hiring a competent employee for a job who turns out to be a poor match. When this happens, it is a loss, for both the company and the individual. Hiring solutions using qualified assessment programs measure essential behavior characteristics necessary to make intelligent hiring decisions. Today, successful businesses use employee assessments during the interview process to learn more about the “unknown” or “unseen” skills of a potential job candidate. Effective “job-fit” solutions combine tested and reliable data derived from pre-employment screening assessments with a customized job analysis survey to create a benchmark that will match a candidate with the right job.
Assessment tools utilized by Gundrum & Associates, Inc. are quite simply the most powerful, easy-to-understand, and infinitely customizable business management tool available.Utilizing advanced web-based technology, assessments are now instantly available anywhere in the world where there is internet access.
PROFILE XT: Profile XT predicts job suitability and accurately matches people with the work they do, allowing you to identify and place top performers in each position. The Profile XT is a “total person” assessment that has a myriad of uses. It measures the job-related qualities that make a person productive – Thinking and Reasoning Style, Behavioral Traits, and Occupational Interests. It is convenient and easy to use on the Internet.
The Profile XT is used for placement, promotion, self-improvement, coaching, succession planning, and job description development. It is a versatile management tool that develops Job Match Patterns that can be customized by company, department, manager, position, geography, or any combination of these factors. Learn More
PROFILES PERFORMANCE INDICATOR: Profiles Performance Indicator measures five individual characteristics and their impact on nine critically important aspects of success in business. The report helps you understand how an individual is effectively understood, motivate, and managed. It is economical and is quick to take, making it an ideal choice for your business. Learn More
PROFILE TEAM ANALYSIS: Profile Team Analysis makes team building both challenging and rewarding. Effective teams achieve results far beyond what individuals can accomplish on their own. But team building is far more than putting a group of people together and hoping for the best. This system reports the attributes of each team member, shows the teams strengths and alerts the team leader to potential problems or issues. Learn More
STEP ONE SURVEY II: By using the Step One Survey employers know that the people they hire are honest, reliable, drug-free and hard working. This powerful assessment provides information that helps businesses reduce risk and hire people who contribute to success and avoid those whose actions could jeopardize the business’ future. Learn More
PROFILES SALES INDICATOR: Profiles Sales Indicator is a tool for selecting, managing, and training sales professionals. It measures five key qualities of successful salespeople and predicts performance in seven critical sales behaviors. Using the Profiles Sales Indicator to build and develop a sales organization can result in record-breaking productivity, retention of top performers, and exceptional profitability. Learn More
CUSTOMER SERVICE PROFILE: Poor customer service costs companies dearly. Worldwide, up to two-thirds of all customers leave due to poor customer service. Every customer service encounter has the potential to gain repeat business or drive it away. The profile identifies candidates and employees with superior customer service skills and helps you coach existing employees to greater success. Learn More