
Recent economic conditions have created an environment in which talented and experienced professionals are searching for new career opportunities. In many instances this transition is the direct result of being downsized or terminated from their current employer. In other situations, individuals may be employed, but are interested in exploring new job opportunities on a discreet and confidential basis. In either case, Gundrum & Associates, Inc. offers a variety of programs to help individuals establish and implement a plan that identifies, locates, and secures new career opportunities.
The Individual Career Transition program of Gundrum & Associates, Inc. provides individuals a unique and custom "Roadmap" in pursuing new employment opportunities. This "roadmap" provides the tools necessary for individuals to effectively implement and manage a successful career search.
Under the guidance of an experienced Career Counselor, individuals will begin a well managed campaign that provides support, resources, motivation, and the personal attention needed to become aware of new career opportunities.
