
Individuals have the opportunity to pick and choose program options that meet their specific needs. Popular programs include:
- THE SIlVER PROGRAM offers a one-month accelerated package that provides the tools, resources, training, computers, and office space that an individual needs to effectively secure and manage their job search campaign.
- THE GOLD PROGRAM provides two-months of extensive direction and assistance involving a wide range of tools and resources. This program utilizes the personal one-on-one services of a trained Career Coach to identify, locate and secure many “hidden” or “unknown” job opportunities.
- THE PLATINUM PROGRAM provides the individual complete access to all available resources within our outplacement program. Whether an individual needs one-month or 12 months of assistance our counselors and resources are available on demand.
- THE PREMIER PLATINUM PROGRAM offers an unparallel one-on-one outplacement program in which a Gundrum & Associates career coach acts as the individuals personal marketing agent in directly contacting hiring authorities on their behalf. Highly effective and efficient.
