Step One Survey II
The Step One Survey is an employer's first step in evaluating a job candidate’s qualifications for employment. It has two parts, the first being a direct-admissions structured interview format that asks about recent work history, record of honesty, drug/alcohol use and related issues. The results of the "interview" are assessed by the company to evaluate the candidate's suitability for employment. The second part of the Step One Survey assesses the candidate’s attitudes toward Integrity, substance abuse, reliability, and work ethic.
Quick Results
In about 20 minutes, job applicants respond to questions on the Internet, on your computer or in a booklet. The printed report summarizes the candidate’s admissions of questionable behavior and the significant responses to inferential questions.
Saves Money - Reduces Problems
Profiles’ clients report that using the Step One Survey significantly reduces cost of drug testing and cuts the problems caused by absenteeism and tardiness.
Use it Anywhere
The Step One Survey can be administered wherever a computer is connected to the Internet or on a client's PC. Also, the Step One Survey can be administered using the pencil and booklet method. A computer does the scoring and generates the reports